速報APP / 生產應用 / Notifications Wear for Gear S2,S3,Sport

Notifications Wear for Gear S2,S3,Sport





版本需求:Android 4.4W 以上版本



聯絡地址:Padre Pernet, 1 - 5 48004 Bilbao

Notifications Wear for Gear S2,S3,Sport & G. Watch(圖1)-速報App

With this app you can read on your Gear all the notifications you receive on your mobile and also reply to many of them using predefined answers, with a small keyboard or by voice.

*** THIS APP NEEDS A SAMSUNG GEAR APP from Gear Manager - Samsung Galaxy Apps called Notifications Wear Style for Gear S2, S3, Sport & Galaxy Watch. Go there and install it first. This App will be installed automatically after that. ***

By default are including many of the messaging Apps and Gmail, but you can include the others you want.

Notifications Wear for Gear S2,S3,Sport & G. Watch(圖2)-速報App

If you want to include other notifications, you must activate it at settings menu, so that every time you get a new one, it ask you and if you answer Yes, then the following ones will be shown. If you change your mind then you can change the allowed or denied Apps in the Notifications menu option.

Now the App has 2 interfaces:

First one:

Notifications Wear for Gear S2,S3,Sport & G. Watch(圖3)-速報App

The initial purpose of the app is to emulate the behavior of notifications Android Wear in our Samsung Gear.


– 1: Background photo of the contact (if possible) and outline notification

Notifications Wear for Gear S2,S3,Sport & G. Watch(圖4)-速報App

– 2: The entire Notification.

– 3: If an image is downloaded you will see here (not always is visible)

– 4,5,6: Answer options if any.

Notifications Wear for Gear S2,S3,Sport & G. Watch(圖5)-速報App

If the action background is blue, the action will take place on mobile.

If the action background is red, the action will take place on the gear.

In the clock, we have predefined responses but you can include your own answers. To do this you have to edit the file located in the root of your SD called GearOptions.txt .

Notifications Wear for Gear S2,S3,Sport & G. Watch(圖6)-速報App

To change between screens you have to do a swipe left or right. If you are in the first screen and do one swipe to the right, the notification will be deleted in the watch and phone.

Second one:

Only one screen with the whole message and options.

Notifications Wear for Gear S2,S3,Sport & G. Watch(圖7)-速報App


When there is more than one notification on the clock the notifications number appears in the top. To change from one to another, use the bezel.

The notifications for the same contact who are stored in the watch are grouped. Tapping on the number a new screen will show a summary of all messages. If you tap on any of them you will see it in detail.

Notifications Wear for Gear S2,S3,Sport & G. Watch(圖8)-速報App

If the App doesn’t connect (The Menu button has a red background), tapping the button takes you to a zone configuration to try to connect. When not working, the best way is to deactivate and then reactivate the bluetooth on the phone.

In the configuration screen you can also enable or disable the notifications on the clock.

* This App has a Try & Buy that allows you to test the App and receive 100 notifications.